Slack Alerting
PeerDB can be configured to automatically send alerts via for issues such as Slot Lag Growth and Open Connections.
Configuring Slack
Creating and Installing a Slack App (One-Time)
You can find the Auth token starting with xoxb-
Getting the Slack Auth token
Inviting the app to the required channels
In order to make sure that the newly created app can post in the required channels, go ahead and invite it to those channels by sending this message:
/invite @<YourAppName>
Getting the channel IDs
Click the Channel Name if you have the channel open or right-click the channel and click “View channel details” from the side bar to get the channel view.
Now the Channel ID can be copied at the bottom of the channel info dialog:
Getting the Slack Channel ID
Configuring PeerDB UI
Adding a configuration
Click on “Alert Configuration” from the left side of the PeerDB UI and then click “Add Configuration”.
Now select “Slack” from the list of alert providers and paste the Auth Token and Channel ID from before.
To add multiple channel IDs for a given configuration, add them comma-separated -
Click on “Create”
Creating Slack Alert Configuration