Mitigate slot growth with a heartbeat table

Consider a scenario where you kick off a CDC mirror from PostgreSQL to a data warehouse to sync one table. The mirror creates a logical replication slot in PostgreSQL to stream changes. Now, this table rarely gets rows ingested to it on the source. However, the replication slot keeps growing because of the WAL logs generated by the changes in other tables.

In order to mitigate this, you can create a heartbeat table in the source database. This table will have a single row that gets updated every minute. By including this table in the CDC mirror, PeerDB will pick up changes to this table, sync them and flush the slot periodically, keeping the slot size in check.

The below is an example of what we’re talking about. Ensure that the heartbeat table has required permissions to be a part of the mirror.

CREATE TABLE _peerdb_heartbeat (


-- Update the row every minute (this can be done with, say, pg_cron)
UPDATE _peerdb_heartbeat SET last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;

PeerDB Implementation

PeerDB has the facility to perform periodic updates on your heartbeat table. This has the benefit of not needing to install an extension like pg_cron. Currently, updates are done every 12 minutes. This will soon be configurable. PeerDB will require update permission on the heartbeat table:

GRANT UPDATE ON _peerdb_heartbeat TO <postgres_peer_user>;

In PeerDB UI, head over to Settings in the sidebar. Search for WAL in the search bar on the right.

Edit the current value fields of the following settings:

  • PEERDB_ENABLE_WAL_HEARTBEAT: Set this to true (no quotes or anything)
  • PEERDB_WAL_HEARTBEAT_QUERY: Set this to the update command to be run periodically:
UPDATE _peerdb_heartbeat SET last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;


This sets up updates to the heartbeat table every 12 minutes.

Manual Implementation

Periodic update can also be done with the below pg_cron command, for example:

-- updates every 30 seconds
SELECT cron.schedule('*/30 * * * *', $$UPDATE _peerdb_heartbeat SET last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP$$);

Include the heartbeat table in the mirror

Now, you can include it as part of the tables in the mirror either via the Create Mirror UI (table selector) or through the SQL Layer as shown below.

CREATE MIRROR heartbeat_mirror
FROM postgres_peer TO warehouse_peer
public._peerdb_heartbeat: _peerdb_heartbeat_target,
-- other tables

Mitigate slot growth with emit messages

If setting up heartbeat tables is unideal for your use case, you can also rely on pg_logical_emit_message() - a system function for emitting a logical decoding message into WAL.

Note that this is supported in PostgreSQL versions 14 and above.

PeerDB picks up on the message as part of its WAL processing and flushes the slot at the frequency of the CDC sync interval.

Permissions to be granted, if needed, to call this function can be done with:

GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION pg_logical_emit_message( transactional boolean, prefix text, content text )
TO <postgres_peer_user>;

Edit the current value fields of the following settings in the Settings tab in UI:

  • PEERDB_ENABLE_WAL_HEARTBEAT: Set this to true (no quotes or anything)
  • PEERDB_WAL_HEARTBEAT_QUERY: Set this to the emit_message function call command to be run periodically:
SELECT pg_logical_emit_message(false,'heartbeat','')

Currently, PeerDB emits a message every 12 minutes. This will soon be configurable.