curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:3000/api/v1/scripts/-1 \
  --header 'Authorization: Basic OmJsYWNrU7dhbjEyMw==' \
	"scripts": [
			"id": 2,
			"lang": "lua",
			"name": "new_script",
			"source": "\n-- This is a sample script\n-- Fill in the onRecord function to transform the incoming record\nlocal json = require \"json\"\n\nfunction onRecord(r)\n  return json.encode(r.row)\nend"
			"id": 3,
			"lang": "lua",
			"name": "good_script",
			"source": "\n-- This is a sample script\n-- Fill in the onRecord function to transform the incoming record\nlocal json = require \"json\"\n\nfunction onRecord(r)\n  return json.encode(r.row)\nend"
			"id": 4,
			"lang": "lua",
			"name": "bad_script",
			"source": "\n-- This is a sample script\n-- Fill in the onRecord function to transform the incoming record\nlocal json = require \"json\"\n\nfunction onRecord(r)\n  return json.encode(r.row)\nend"
GET /api/v1/scripts/{id}

This endpoint is used to get a script by its ID. If the ID is -1, it returns all scripts.

Scripts are disabled by default in PeerDB Cloud. It is enabled in PeerDB OSS and PeerDB Enterprise.

Request Fields


Describe a script by its ID. If the ID is -1, it returns all scripts.

Response Fields


An array of scripts.

curl --request GET \
  --url http://localhost:3000/api/v1/scripts/-1 \
  --header 'Authorization: Basic OmJsYWNrU7dhbjEyMw==' \
	"scripts": [
			"id": 2,
			"lang": "lua",
			"name": "new_script",
			"source": "\n-- This is a sample script\n-- Fill in the onRecord function to transform the incoming record\nlocal json = require \"json\"\n\nfunction onRecord(r)\n  return json.encode(r.row)\nend"
			"id": 3,
			"lang": "lua",
			"name": "good_script",
			"source": "\n-- This is a sample script\n-- Fill in the onRecord function to transform the incoming record\nlocal json = require \"json\"\n\nfunction onRecord(r)\n  return json.encode(r.row)\nend"
			"id": 4,
			"lang": "lua",
			"name": "bad_script",
			"source": "\n-- This is a sample script\n-- Fill in the onRecord function to transform the incoming record\nlocal json = require \"json\"\n\nfunction onRecord(r)\n  return json.encode(r.row)\nend"